As maçãs douradas
The Golden Apples, a short story collection by Eudora Welty (1909-2001), is considered the masterpiece of the acclaimed American author and Pulitzer Prize winner. Her stories unfold relationships shaped by family traditions in Jackson, Mississippi, Welty’s hometown. Inspired by the archetypes of Greek mythology, it has been at times compared to Homer’s Odyssey. This particular edition, making its debut in Brazil, features the delicate illustration of the apples set against a commanding typographic arrangement, striking colors, golden hot stamping, and a hardcover binding with a textured finish, worthy of a contemporary classic.
Book cover
Graphic design
Beatriz Dórea, Isabela Vdd
Editorial direction
Graziella Beting
Livia Deorsola, Julia Bussius
Art editor
Laura Lotufo
Editor assistance
Kaio Cassio
Graphic production
Lilia Góes